Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was recently diagnosed with stress induced shingles. Because of this illness my usual activities were put on hold until I was no longer contagious. During the few days I was stuck in bed the mother of a very good friend of mine brought me a get well card. She told me that he had made it and then had the family sign, and this act of kindness helped to lift my mood significantly. The candy-gram said, "We came to this life meant (mentos) to suffer but that doesn't mean it doesn't bite. So when you reach a sour patch (sour patch kids) in life and you're tried (trident splash gum) and tested, remember that there are people who you can call (whatchamacallit) on when you need a boost. Get well soon." I kept the poster in my room to remind me that when I need a lift I know who I can call.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hey everyone and welcome to my blog! I developed this page especially to share stories of inspiration and service. Thousands of lives are touched everyday by things as little as a smile. It's time we recognize and share our uplifting stories. I would like to begin by sharing my story that inspired this blog. 
While doing some last minute Christmas shopping, my mother and I met a man who looked like he could use some help getting through his several pages of shopping lists. We spent roughly two hours assisting him with his lists before it was time to say goodbye. As we parted ways this man handed me a folded piece of paper with the words "Touch Someone Else" scribbled on it. When my mother and I returned to the car, I unfolded the paper and was shocked to find a $5o bill tucked inside. 
After thinking about the best way to complete this challenge, I realized that if managed wisely, $50 dollars can actually amount to so much more. Rather than turning around and spending it, I wanted to find a way that I could really make a difference. I would like to eventually set up my own charity using the $50 dollars this man gave me, but I understand that is highly ambitious and will take some time. 
So in the meantime, I would like to ask for your help. Will you please use this blog to share your own inspirational stories of how your life has been touched by someone else or small and simple (or big and not so simple) things that you have done to touch the lives of others? I would love to hear of your experiences as well as any ideas that you may have to best fulfill this challenge to "Touch Someone Else".

Thank you so much for your support,